Tuesday, January 30, 2018

"How to Ruin a Great Design" paragraph response


      Personally in my opinion, I completely agree with Ms. Rawsthorn's opinion on how road signs should have a more simplistic design on each and everyone of them. A sign should have decent sized lettering so that the drivers attention can focus towards the main point. Not everyone is perfect at making designs, but I think the designers need to double check with their team and see what mistakes they did wrong before putting it out on streets, roads, and highways. On the other note, I do/don't agree with Ms. Rawsthorns opinion on the change of the UPS logo. Going towards the new logo, I do understand that UPS could've done better but it makes it look good for their company today. Finally, I don't think you can just accuse one person for a bad design even with not enough expierience. It all goes to the companies who make the road signs, logos, etc.

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